To setup the Hexadash in local environment, follow below-mentioned steps:
Install Prerequisites
Make sure to have all above prerequisites installed & running on your computer.
Laravel has a set of requirements in order to run smoothly in specific environment. Please see requirements section in Laravel documentation.
Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:
After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands to run the Laravel Admin Dashboard in local environment:
Command | Description |
composer install |
command to install all of the framework's dependencies. |
.env |
The root directory of your application will contain an
.env.example file. You should copy the file manually and rename
it to .env or run command cp .env.example .env
Please run the below command to generate the new key. php artisan key:generate
Please fill your DB credentials in the .env file.
php artisan migrate
This will migrate the database tables. For more details visit |
Xampp Start
Xampp start the connection of mysql database. |
php artisan serve
Navigate to generated server url |
Webpack Setup
Follow these steps to set up Webpack for your project:
- Open the terminal in the root folder of your project.
- Install NPM Packages by running:
npm install
To run Webpack for development:
npm run watch
To run Webpack for production:
npm run prod
Template Adjustment
Follow these steps to adjust your templates for development and production:
Step 1: Remove .min extension from css/app file during development and add it again when in production.
Path: resources/views/partials/_header.blade.php
Step 2: Remove .min extension from js/app file during development and add it again when in production.
Path: resources/views/layout/app.blade.php