Customizing Theme
For customizing theme goto config/theme/themeVariable.js and customize the variables according to your necessity. StrikingDash is based on antd.
For additional changes, here is the list of available variable for customization
Using theme variables in the app.
Change font
Simplest way to change font is to go to google fonts, select fonts, click embed copy the link. Now goto public/index.html and paste the link in head tag. Please remove the links of any unused fonts from the head.
Now goto config/theme/themeVariable.js and set `font-family` variable
Sidebar & Topbar Dark/Light Layout
To change the sidebar and topbar layout background to dark, go to src/config/config.js and just set the darkMode to true. Else set false to keep the white background
import { theme, darkTheme } from './theme/themeVariables';
const config = {
darkMode: false,
rtl: false,
export default config;
Side Navbar & Top Navbar Layout
To change the Navbar side to top, go to src/config/config.js and just set the topMenu to true. Else set false to keep Navbar on Sidebar. You can update your menu item from src/layout/TopMenu.js For Top Navbar and src/layout/MenuItem.js for Side Navbar
import { theme, darkTheme } from './theme/themeVariables';
const config = {
darkMode: false,
topMenu: false,
rtl: false,
export default config;
Change Logo
To change both dark and light logo, go to src/layout/withAdminLayout.js and change source of the logo image
<Link className="striking-logo" to="/admin">
:src="!darkMode ? require(`@/static/img/Logo_Dark.svg`) : require(`@/static/img/Logo_white.png`)"
RTL Setup
To change the layout to RTL set the rtl to true and change the dir to rtl from public/index.html
import { theme, darkTheme } from './theme/themeVariables';
const config = {
darkMode: false,
rtl: false,
export default config;